The Board of Education is proud to recognize the students and staff of Calhoun County Middle High School at their October meeting. We want to take this opportunity to recognize your excellent performance and we would like to thank you for your hard work and dedication.
Jenna Jett - President, Cyrus Helmick - Reserve Grand Champion Goat Winner at the Calhoun Youth Livestock Show, Kevin Cunningham - Vice President
Jenna Jett - President, Kevin Cunningham - Vice President, Hoyt Helmick - Grand Champion Market Goat Winner at the Calhoun Youth Livestock Show
Jimmy Gregory - Board Member, Jenna Jett - President, Lindsey Schoolcraft - Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat at the Calhoun Youth Livestock Show
Kelsey Snider - Grand Champion Market Hog Winner at the Calhoun Youth Livestock Show, Jenna Jett - President, Kevin Cunningham - Vice President
Jaelyn Jett - Grand Champion Feeder Heifer Winner at the Calhoun Youth Livestock Show, Jenna Jett - President, Horst Motz - Board Member
Whitney Nettles - Reserve Grand Champion Feeder Steer Winner at the Calhoun Youth Livestock Show, Jenna Jett - President, Horst Motz - Board Member
Josie Montgomery - Calhoun Golf Team Region 4 Champion, Jimmy Gregory - Board Member, Jenna Jett - President
Nurse Trudi Anderson - Nationally Certified School Nurse Certification, Jimmy Gregory - Board Member, Jenna Jett - President