WV Young Writers Contest

Congratulations to the following winners for Calhoun County Young Writers Fair.  The judges loved the stories and wished there was more to read, another chapter perhaps?  The Writers were able to help the judges visualize and feel the story. The students did not make their job easy.  The Winners will have their entries submitted to the State Young Writers competitions. 

Grade 1-2- “A Mermaid Friend”  by Rylan Arnold, AES, 1st grade

 Grade 3-4 “ The Beach Vacation”  by Paisley Harper, PHE 4th grade

 Grade 5-6  “The Tale of the Scorpion Temple” by Jude Walker, LKVCS 5th grade

 Grade 7-8- “Expedition to Egypt” by Cameron Cottrill,  LKVCS, 8th grade

Grade 9-10- “The Red Eyes” by Nyla Warner, CCMHS 10th grade

 Grade 11-12 “ A Father’s Love” by Chase Marks, CCMHS 12th grade