BOE Recognitions

The Board of Education is proud to recognize All Little Kanawha Conference football players of Calhoun Middle High School at their January meeting. We want to take this opportunity to recognize your excellent performance and we would like to thank you for your determination.

Jeff Goodrich - Coach, Zach Yeager - Asst. Coach, Jayton Gibson - Special Honorable Mention

Jeff Goodrich - Coach, Zach Yeager - Asst. Coach, Logan Tingler - Second Team Defense Punter

Jeff Goodrich - Coach, Zach Yeager - Asst. Coach, Shane Dooley - Honorable Mention

Jeff Goodrich - Coach, Zach Yeager - Asst. Coach, Tyler Nelson - Special Honorable Mention

Not pictured  - Ian Persinger - First Team Defense Utility, Owen Taylor - Special Honorable Mention, Hunter Thacker - Honorable Mention.